Chronology of the Quaker Springs Fire Department

01/07/1947Request was made for fire protection district. Startup cost $13,800
03/05/1947Hearings were posted for district.
03/20/1947Town was canvassed and petition was acquired from resident taxpayers equaling 50% of assessed valuation.
04/15/1947Public hearing was held. Town board approves establishment of fire district & application of district to be filed with department of Audit & Control.
06/16/1947Members of the first Board of Commissioners: James Burke, Charles Carden, Arthur Ellis, Charles Haas, Chairman - Schuyler Peck, E. Raymond Smith - Treasurer.
10/20/1947$2,687.97 was spent to build a firehouse $3,575.00 to purchase a fire truck.
12/08/1947First meeting was held, 41 of 51 members were present.
12/09/1947 First fire in district, a chimney fire at Hulka's.
03/01/1948Badges were distributed.
04/05/1948Skellie's donated a windmill tower to be used for siren. Grangerville territory acquired
06/07/1948Sawmill property was purchased for $50.00.
08/06/1948First Auxiliary meeting was held with 22 members.
09/30/1948Certified member of Firemen's Association.
04/06/1949Fire Police Squad appointed, E. Raymond Smith - Captain
05/03/1949Men appointed to start a rescue squad Ken Everts, Len Grinter, Vladimar Germansen, & Nileland Wood.
09/12/1949Joined Hudson Mohawk Association. Started work on pond.
05/01/1950Name changed to Quaker Springs Volunteer Fire Department.
07/10/1952Kitchen equipment purchased.
08/05/19572-way radio was purchased for fire truck.
10/07/1957Began addition to firehouse for tanker.
10/01/1958$850.00 purchased 1000 gallon tank truck painted & lettered.
12/01/1958Cement work was done on floor in firehouse..
04/09/1959Total cost of new addition $1256.53.
05/04/1959Schedule set up for drill every Thursday at 7:45 p.m.
04/07/1960Intercom system was installed from Blodgett's
05/02/1960Wallace Dodd accepts job as Chaplain.
06/06/1960New truck specifications were drawn up.
08/01/1960Public picnic area was cleared around firehouse.
09/06/1960Company votes to have 3 trucks.
09/14/1960Saratoga Lake unprotected area now included in QSFD budget for 1961 $2959.00. Fire call station moved to Arthur Traver's.
10/03/1960F493 was purchased from district for $1.00. New system for calling firemen for alarms was started.
12/17/1960First Annual Christmas Party for children of district.
01/03/196112 new raincoats were purchased for $9.90 each.
02/23/1961New Ford Pumper arrives.
03/12/1961Open house was held to display new truck & equipment.
09/11/1961Map of fire district was updated.
09/18/1961Budget for 1962 $4742.75
10/02/1961New tax rate will be $4.00 per thousand down from $4.30
12/06/1961Commissioners limit 100 members in department.
01/17/1962Purchased tank truck for $3000.00.
02/05/1962Department was shown how to use inhalator by Ted Still
04/05/1962Phil Griffen appointed Treasurer to replace deceased member E. Raymond Smith. Budget of $4700.00 will increase to $5000.00. Proposition to lease King's field for recreation area.
6/04/1962Art Ellis designed district map
8/06/1962Insurance premium for year $843.01. Property $13,032, Liability $25,000& $10,000, Comp. Liability $50,000 & $100,000.
9/10/1962Chief expressed need for smoke ventilator & placement of trucks during fires
9/11/1962Budget for 1963 $5400. Purchase land from I. Griffen for $125.
11/05/1962Chief to make up call lists with Captains to alert members to fires.
12/03/1962Chief starts directory of residents.
01/01/1963Calls from last year 17. 5 structures; 5 mutual aids; 4 grass; 1 rescue, 1 auto and 1 inhalator.
04/04/1963Inventory of equipment on hand $7500 Trucks; $25,000 Auxiliary purchased cabinets for firehouse kitchen.
08/05/1963Family picnic discussed.
02/03/1964Commissioners take back coverage & maintenance of F-493
04/09/1964Plaque purchased honoring Past Chiefs of District.
07/06/1964Motion to hold family picnic 8/16/64 -130 attended.
12/07/1964Requested 3 radio monitors & 3500 watt generator.
04/06/1965Chief Reported 41 Calls for 1964: 2 dump; 4 auto, 10 grass, 2 false alarms;3 house; 3 electrical; 10 mutual aids; 3 chimney; and 4 barn fires.
07/12/1965Fire training center to be built on county land.
11/01/1965Furnace ordered for firehouse.
01/03/196686 children attend Christmas Party for $29.23.
03/14/1966Tax check $4610.04.
04/07/196628 calls for 1965.
06/06/1966New fire alarm telephone system in use.
09/19/1966Budget for 1967 $5870.16.
04/06/1967Fire calls for 1966 - 38.
08/07/1967Participated in Green Sabres Day parade.
09/06/1967Repaired leak in spillway.
11/08/1967Ordered 8 new fire police gear.
12/04/1967Net from turkey raffle $123.75.
04/04/196831 alarms for 1967.
10/07/1968Budget for 1968 $6300.00
11/11/1968Capital reserve funds setup for equipment and building.
04/03/1969Fire calls for 1968 - 28.
02/02/1970New alarm system installed by Fred Vines.
04/09/1970Fire calls for 1969 - 28
12/14/1970Bond issue passed on tank truck.
03/08/1971Tank truck bid awarded for $21,424.00.
08/16/1976Voted on bond to build firehouse. Cost of $100,000 @ 6%. 185 in favor 78 against
09/06/1977Constructed new firehouse.
02/02/1978Plaque honoring deceased members donated by Robbins family.
10/14/1979Open house 200 attended including Congressman Solomon, Senator Bruno, Assemblyman D'Andrea. Flags were presented.
07/01/1980WSW758 base station was put on the air.
11/02/1981Started 50/50 raffle.
02/12/1996Final $5000.00 payment and $94.97 interest paid on new firehouse.
199750th Anniversary open house
3/31/00New 496 delivered
06/08/2000New 496 put into service
August 2000Addition on Blodgett Rd firehouse completed
12/27/2000Purchase of Jaws of Life approved (delivered January 11, in service February 10)
02/12/01Water filtration system installed - Station 1
08/13/01Contract awarded for installation of a 50KVA diesel generator - Station 1
07/12/07Voters approved the construction of a fire sub-station on Route 9P
12/18/09QSFD took possession of Station 2
12/29/09Trucks moved into Station 2
12/31/09First alarm responded to from Station 2

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